Using the decimal context

Another context that is used frequently is the decimal context. This context defines a number of properties of decimal.Decimal calculation, including the quantization rules used to round or truncate values.

We might see application programming that looks like the following:

import decimal

price= decimal.Decimal('15.99')
rate= decimal.Decimal('0.0075')
print( "Tax=", (price*rate).quantize(PENNY), "Fully=", price*rate )

with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
    ctx.rounding= decimal.ROUND_DOWN
    tax= (price*rate).quantize(PENNY)
    print( "Tax=", tax )

The preceding example shows the default context as well as a local context. The default context has the default rounding rule. The localized context, however, shows how we can assure consistent operations by setting the decimal rounding for a particular calculation.

The with statement is used to assure that the original context is restored after the localized change. Outside this context, the default rounding applies. Inside this context, a specific rounding applies.