Eagerly computed properties

The following is a subclass of Hand, where total is a simple attribute that's computed eagerly as each card is added:

class Hand_Eager(Hand):
    def __init__( self, dealer_card, *cards ):
        self.dealer_card= dealer_card
        self.total= 0
        self._delta_soft= 0
        self._hard_total= 0
        self._cards= list()
        for c in cards:
            self.card = c
    def card( self ):
        return self._cards
    def card( self, aCard ):
        self._delta_soft = max(aCard.soft-aCard.hard, self._delta_soft)
        self._hard_total += aCard.hard
    def card( self ):
        removed= self._cards.pop(-1)
        self._hard_total -= removed.hard
        # Issue: was this the only ace?
        self._delta_soft = max( c.soft-c.hard for c in self._cards )
    def _set_total( self ):
        if self._hard_total+self._delta_soft <= 21:
            self.total= self._hard_total+self._delta_soft
            self.total= self._hard_total

In this case, each time a card is added, the total attribute is updated.

The other card property—the deleter—eagerly updates the total attribute whenever a card is removed. We'll take a look at the deleter in detail in the next section.

A client sees the same syntax between these two subclasses (Hand_Lazy() and Hand_Eager()) of Hand:

d= Deck()
h1= Hand_Lazy( d.pop(), d.pop(), d.pop() )
print( h1.total )
h2= Hand_Eager( d.pop(), d.pop(), d.pop() )
print( h2.total )

In both cases, the client software simply uses the total attribute.

The advantage of using properties is that the syntax doesn't have to change when the implementation changes. We can make a similar claim for getter/setter method functions. However, getter/setter method functions involve extra syntax that isn't very helpful nor informative. The following are two examples, one of which is using a setter method and the other that is using the assignment operator:

obj.something = value

The presence of the assignment operator (=) makes the intent very plain. Many programmers find it clearer to look for assignment statements than to look for setter method functions.