Time for action – creating a Hello World application in two lines of code

Now that we have the simulator and text editors set up, let's start making our very first Corona program! The first program that we will make is called Hello World. It is a traditional program that many people learn when starting a new programming language.

  1. Open your preferred text editor and type the following lines:
    textObject = display.newText( "Hello World!", 160, 80, native.systemFont, 36 )
    textObject: setFillColor ( 1, 1, 1 )
  2. Next, create a folder on your desktop called Hello World. Save the preceding text as a file named main.lua to the location of your project folder.
  3. Launch Corona. You will be greeted with the Corona SDK screen. Click on Open and navigate to the Hello World folder you just created. You should see your main.lua file in this folder:
    Time for action – creating a Hello World application in two lines of code
  4. On a Mac, click on the Open button. On Windows, select the main.lua file and click on the Open button. You'll see your new program running in the Corona simulator:
    Time for action – creating a Hello World application in two lines of code


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