Joining DataFrames

To demonstrate joining, we will use two CSV files-dest.csv and tips.csv. The use case behind it is that we are running a taxi company. Every time a passenger is dropped off at his or her destination, we add a row to the dest.csv file with the employee number of the driver and the destination:

EmpNr,Dest5,The Hague3,Amsterdam9,Rotterdam

Sometimes drivers get a tip, so we want that registered in the tips.csv file (if this doesn't seem realistic, please feel free to come up with your own story):


Database-like joins in Pandas can be done with either the merge() function or the join() DataFrame method. The join() method joins onto indices by default, which might not be what you want. In SQL a relational database query language we have the inner join, left outer join, right outer join, and full outer join.


An inner join selects rows from two tables, if and only if values match, for columns specified in the join condition. Outer joins do not require a match, and can potentially return more rows. More information on joins can be found at

All these join types are supported by Pandas, but we will only take a look at inner joins and full outer joins:

  • A join on the employee number with the merge() function is performed as follows:
            print("Merge() on key\n", pd.merge(dests, tips, on='EmpNr')) 

    This gives an inner join as the outcome:

              Merge() on key   
                 EmpNr       Dest  Amount
              0      5  The Hague      10
              1      9  Rotterdam       5
              [2 rows x 3 columns]
  • Joining with the join() method requires providing suffixes for the left and right operands:
            print("Dests join() tips\n", dests.join(tips, lsuffix='Dest',  

    This method call joins index values so that the result is different from an SQL inner join:

               Dests join() tips
                  EmpNrDest       Dest  EmpNrTips  Amount
               0          5  The Hague          5    10.0
               1          3  Amsterdam          9     5.0
               2          9  Rotterdam          7     2.5
               [3 rows x 4 columns]
  • An even more explicit way to execute an inner join with merge() is as follows:
            print("Inner join with merge()\n", pd.merge(dests, tips, 

    The output is as follows:

               Inner join with merge()
                  EmpNr       Dest  Amount
               0      5  The Hague      10
               1      9  Rotterdam       5
               [2 rows x 3 columns]

    To make this a full outer join requires only a small change:

                print("Outer join\n", pd.merge(dests, tips, how='outer')) 

    The outer join adds rows with NaN values:

                Outer join
                   EmpNr       Dest  Amount
                0      5  The Hague    10.0
                1      3  Amsterdam     NaN
                2      9  Rotterdam     5.0
                3      7        NaN     2.5
                [4 rows x 3 columns]

In a relational database query, these values would have been set to NULL. The demo code is in the ch-03.ipynb file of this book's code bundle.