Statistics with Pandas DataFrames

The Pandas DataFrame has a dozen statistical methods. The following table lists these methods, along with a short description of each:

Using the same data as the previous example, we will demonstrate these statistical methods. The full script is in the ch-03.ipynb of this book's code bundle:

import quandl 
# Data from 
# PyPi url 
sunspots = quandl.get("SIDC/SUNSPOTS_A") 
print("Describe", sunspots.describe(),"\n") 
print("Non NaN observations", sunspots.count(),"\n") 
print("MAD", sunspots.mad(),"\n") 
print("Median", sunspots.median(),"\n") 
print("Min", sunspots.min(),"\n") 
print("Max", sunspots.max(),"\n") 
print("Mode", sunspots.mode(),"\n") 
print("Standard Deviation", sunspots.std(),"\n") 
print("Variance", sunspots.var(),"\n") 
print("Skewness", sunspots.skew(),"\n") 
print("Kurtosis", sunspots.kurt(),"\n") 

The following is the output of the script: