About the reviewers

Dr. Gabriel N. Schenker has more than 25 years of experience as an independent consultant, architect, leader, trainer, mentor, and developer. Currently, Gabriel works as Lead Curriculum Developer at Confluent after coming from a similar position at Docker. Gabriel has a Ph.D. in Physics, and he is a Docker Captain, a Certified Docker Associate, and an ASP Insider. When he is not working, Gabriel enjoys time with his wonderful wife Veronicah and his children.


Stefan Scherer is a Sr. Software Engineer at Docker, Inc. working in the tools and release engineering team. He is an early adopter of Docker on Windows, giving feedback and sharing his experience as a Microsoft MVP and retired Docker Captain. He is a maintainer of several Docker related Chocolatey packages. He also is member of the Hypriot team that gives the community a very easy experience for Docker on ARM devices.