- Machine Learning with Go Quick Start Guide
- Michael Bironneau Toby Coleman
- 196字
- 2021-06-24 13:33:59
Go's mature ecosystem
Some of the worlds most successful technology companies use Go as the main language of their production systems and actively contribute to its development, such as Cloudflare[13], Google, Uber[14], Dailymotion[15], and Medium[16]. This means that there is now an extensive ecosystem of tools and libraries to help a development team create a reliable, maintainable application in Go. Even Docker, the worlds leading container technology, is written in Go.
At the time of writing, there are 1,774 repositories on GitHub written in the Go language that have over 500 stars, traditionally considered a good proxy measure of quality and support. In comparison, Python has 3,811 and Java 3,943. Considering that Go is several decades younger and allows for faster production-ready development, the relatively large number of well-supported repositories written in the Go language constitutes a glowing endorsement from the open source community.
Go has a number of stable and well-supported open source ML libraries. The most popular Go ML library by number of GitHub stars and contributors is GoLearn[17]. It is also the most recently updated. Other Go ML libraries include GoML and Gorgonia, a deep learning library whose API resembles TensorFlow.