What you need for this book

In general, PostgreSQL server and client tools do not need an exceptional hardware. PostgreSQL can be installed on almost all modern platforms, including Linux, Windows, and Mac. Also, in the book, when a certain library is needed, the installation instructions are given.

The example provided in this book requires PostgreSQL version 9.4; however, most of the examples can be executed on earlier versions as well. In order to execute the sample code, scripts, and examples provided in the book, you need to have at least a PostgreSQL client tool installed on your machine—preferably psql—and access to a remote server running the PostgreSQL server. In a Windows environment, the cmd.exe command prompt is not very convenient; thus, the user might consider using Cygwin http://www.cygwin.com/ or another alternative such as Powershell.

For some chapters, such as Chapter 13, PostgreSQL JDBC and Chapter 14, PostgreSQL and Hibernate, one needs to install a development kit (JDK). Also, it is convenient to use the NetBeans or Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE).