- 2014年中国碘缺乏病监测
- 孙殿军 雷正龙 刘守军
- 763字
- 2025-02-17 13:22:49
■ 吕胜敏 马 景 杜永贵 贾丽辉 徐 栋 梁索理 张津旗
目的 掌握河北省碘缺乏病病情和人群碘营养状况,评价干预措施效果。
方法 采用人口比例概率抽样方法(PPS),在河北省选择30个县(市、区),每县(市、区)选取50名8~10岁儿童,检测甲状腺大小,并采集其尿样和家中盐样检测碘含量。同时在每个抽中小学所在乡检测20名孕妇尿碘含量。
结果 采集盐样1561份,合格碘盐食用率为90.0%(1405/1561)。采集测定8~10岁儿童一次即时尿样1569份,尿碘中位数为179.3μg/L,其中8、9、10岁儿童的尿碘中位数分别为171.4μg/L、175.6μg/L、190.5μg/L。B超法检查8~10岁儿童1594名,共检出甲状腺结节19例,肿大率为1.2%(19/1594)。8、9、10岁年龄组结节检出率分别为1.0%(5/520)、1.9%(10/536)、0.7%(4/538)。采集测定孕妇尿样601份,尿碘中位数为133.0μg/L。
结论 河北省8~10岁儿童的碘营养处于较适宜水平,孕妇处于轻度缺碘状态,儿童甲状腺肿大率在国家规定的标准以下,碘缺乏病得到持续有效控制。
ABSTRACT Objective To find out the prevalence of IDD and population’s iodine nutrition status, and to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention by iodized salt. Methods by Proportionate to population size sampling (PPS) ,30 counties around Hebei province were selected.In each of the selected county, 50 children aged 8-10 years were randomly chosen to measure their thyroid volumes and collect their household salt samples as well as their urinary samples for determination iodine content.In the mean time, 20 pregnant women in the townships where the selected schools are located in to detect their urinary iodine content. Results The consumed rate of eligible iodized salt of 1561 household salt samples was 90.0% (1405/1561).A total of 1569 spot urinary samples of children aged 8-10 years were collected and measured, with median urinary iodine (MUI) being 179.3μg/L.The MUI in the children aged 8, 9, 10 years old was 171.4μg/L, 175.6μg/L, 190.5μg/L respectively.Nineteen thyroid nodular cases were identified by ultrasound in 1594 children, accounting for 1.2% (19/1594).The nodular prevalence in 8, 9, and 10 years group was 1.0% (5/520),1.9% (10/536),0.7% (4/538)respectively.The MUI of 601 spot urine samples collected from pregnant women was 133.3μg/L. Conclusion The iodine nutrition in children aged 8-10 years in Hebei province was a little more than adequate.The iodine nutrition in pregnant women was mildly deficient.Children’s goiter rate was under the national standard.Sustainable elimination of IDD was achieved in Hebei province.