List 3

endanger [ɪn'deɪndʒər]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. cause danger to (sb/sth); put in danger 危及

根 en-:使 dang:权利 -er:动词后缀。 “滥用权利”→“危及” 。danger:危险[根]

类 危及、危害类概念

endeavor [ɪn'devər]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. attempt by employing effort努力

根 en-:加强 deavor:责任。 “尽力完成责任”→“努力”

类 尽力完成责任

episode ['epɪsoʊd]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. event occurring as part of a long series of events as in a novel, one’s life 插曲

根 epi-:额外的 sod:进入。 “额外进入的”→“插曲” , “一段情节”

类 章节、插曲事件

exceptional [ɪk'sepʃənl]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. deviating from the norm 例外的,不平凡的

根 ex-:出 cept:取 -ion:名词后缀 -al:形容词后缀。 “取出来的”→“例外的”→“不平凡的” ,“杰出的” 。accept:接受[根]

类 从一堆中挑出的

exclusive [ɪk'skluːsɪv]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. excluding or having power to exclude 排外的

adj. restricted in distribution, use, or appeal because of expense 独有的

根 ex-:外 clus=clud:关闭 -ive:形容词后缀。 “关在外面的”→“排外的”→“独有的” 。 “排外的”[唯物]→“ (性格)排外的”→“孤僻的”[唯心]。include:包括[根]

类 排外的

exert [ɪɡ'zɜːrt]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. to put (oneself) into action or to tiring effort 运用,行使,施加

根 ex-:出 ert:连接。 “连接在一起”→“运用”→“施加”

类 使出、做出

gamble ['ɡæmbl]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. play games of chance, etc for money 赌博

根 gam=gambl:玩。 “玩”→“赌博” 。game:游戏[根]

类 赌博、投机

govern ['ɡʌvərn]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. rule (a country, etc); control or direct the public affairs 管理

v. influence (sth/sb) decisively; determ ine 支配

根 govern:引导。 “引导”→“管理” , “支配” 。government:政府[根]

类 管理、支配

gross [ɡroʊs]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. repulsively fat 太胖的

adj. not refined; vulgar; coarse 粗野的

v.adj. make sth as a total amount; total; whole 总共

根 gros(s):大;粗糙。 “大”→“肥胖的” , “总的” 。 “粗糙”→“粗俗的” , “恶劣的”

类 厚重的

hazard ['hæzərd]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. chance risk 冒险

根 haz:赌博 -ard:名词后缀。 “赌博”→“碰运气” , “冒险”

类 冒险、赌运气

humanity [hjuː'mænəti]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. human beings collectively; the human race; people 人类

n. being humane; kind-heartedness 仁慈

根 hum(an):人 -ty:名词后缀。 “人”→“人类” , “人性” , “仁慈”

类 人类、人性

ignite [ɪɡ'naɪt]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. to set (something) on fire 点燃,燃烧

根 ign:火 -ite:动词后缀。 “火”→“点燃” , “燃烧” 。 “火”→“火光”→“发光”

类 点燃

inadequate [ɪn'ædɪkwət]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. not adequate 不适当的

根 in-:否定 -ad:加强 equ:相等 -ate:形容词后缀。 “不相等的”→“不适当的” 。equate:相等 [根]

类 不适当的

infer [ɪn'fɜːr]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. to derive as a conclusion from facts or prem ises 推断

根 in-:加强 fer:拿 → 带。 “带来”→“引出”→“推断” 。different:不同的[根]

类 带来

innovation [ˌɪnə'veɪʃn]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. the introduction of new ideas or methods 创新

根 in-:表加强 nov:生 → 新生 -at(e):动词后缀 -ion:名词后缀。 “新生的”→“创新” 。 Lenovo:联想 [根]

类 革新、创新类概念

instructor [ɪn'strʌktər]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. someone who teaches a sport or practical skill 指导者

根 in-:向里 struct:堆积 → 建立 -or:名词后缀,表示人。 “建立者”→“指导者” 。 construction:建筑物[根]

类 指导者、教师

interview ['ɪntərvjuː]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. meeting at which sb (eg sb applying for a job) is asked questions to find out if he is suitable 面谈

根 inter-:在之间 view:看。 “相互看”→“面谈” 。view:观察[根]

类 访谈、面试类概念

limb [lɪm]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. leg, arm or wing 肢

n. main branch of a tree 树枝

根 limb:分支。 “ (植物)分支”→“树枝” 。 “ (动物)分支”→“肢”

类 树枝

masculine ['mæskjəlɪn]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. having the qualities or appearance thought to be typical of men 男子气概的

adj. referring to the male gender 男性的

根 masc=mal:男 -ul(e):名词后缀 -ine:形容词后缀。 “男性的” , “男子气概的” 。male:男性的[根]

类 阳性的、雄性的

negotiate [nɪ'ɡoʊʃieɪt]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise 谈判,协商

根 neg:否定 oti:轻松 -ate:动词后缀。 “不轻松”→“事务众多”→“谋划”→“协商” ,“谈判” 。negative:负面的[根]

类 事务众多

notorious [noʊ'tɔːriəs]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. widely and unfavorably known 臭名昭著的

根 not(or):知道 -ious:形容词后缀。 “大家都知道的”→“因恶名而为人所知的”→“臭名昭著的” 。notice:通知[根]

类 因恶名而被大家所知道

overa ll [ˌoʊvər'ɔːl]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. including everything; total 全面的

n. usu worn over other clothing by workmen, etc to protect them from dirt, etc 工装裤

根 over:超过 all:全部。 “全部的”→“全面的”→“全身装” , “工装裤”

类 全面的、大体上的

overwhelm [ˌoʊvər'welm]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. upset, overthrow 推翻

v. to overcome by superior force or numbers 战胜

根 over-:加强 whelm:倒置。 “倒置”→“推翻”→“战胜”

类 推翻

overwhelm ing [ˌoʊvər'welmɪŋ]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and do not know how to react压倒性的

根 over:超过 whelm:倒置 -ing:形容词后缀。 “倒置的”→“压倒性的”

类 压倒性的、势不可挡的

panic ['pænɪk]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. sudden irrational feeling of great fear 恐慌

根 pan:害怕 -ic:名词后缀。 “害怕”→“恐慌” 。希腊神话中,牧羊神Pan(潘恩)被当作群体灾难的替罪羊,后它的名字成为了恐慌的代言词

类 惊慌或恐惧类范畴

particular [pər'tɪkjələr]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. an individual fact, point, circumstance, or detail 细节

根 part:部分 -ic:形容词后缀 -ular:名词后缀。 “部分的”→“一小部分的”→“细节” 。 department:部门[根]

类 部分、细节

pathetic [pə'θetɪk]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. causing one to feel pity or sadness 可怜的

adj. extremely inadequate; contemptible 令人生厌的

根 path=pass:感情 -et:名词后缀 -ic:形容词后缀。 “感情”→“怜悯的” , “令人生厌的” 。 sympathy:同情[根]

类 让人同情的

perception [pər'sepʃn]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. ability to see, hear or understand 感知能力

n. way of seeing or understanding sth 看法

根 per-:通过 cept:拿 → 触摸 -ion:名词后缀。 “触摸”→“感知” , “看法” 。accept:接受 [根]

类 贯穿地拿到

persist [pər'sɪst]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. continue to do sth, esp in an obstinate and determ ined way and in spite of opposition, argument or failure 坚持

根 per-:表加强 sist:站立。 “持续站立”→“坚持” 。assist:帮助[根]

类 贯穿、站立类的,持续、坚持

possibility [ˌpɑːsə'bɪləti]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. state of being possible; likelihood 可能

n. event that may happen; prospect 可能的事

根 poss=pot:力→能够 -ib(le):形容词后缀 -il(e):形容词后缀 -ty:名词后缀。 “可能” , “可能的事” 。possible:可能的[根]

类 可能的事

prevalent ['prevələnt]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. generally or widely accepted, practiced, or favored; widespread 流行的

根 pre-:表加强 val=vail:强 -ent:形容词后缀。 “强有力的”→“流行的” 。prevail:盛行[根]

类 在强大前面的 → 更强大的

profound [prə'faʊnd]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. deep, intense or far-reaching; very great 深远的

adj. having or showing great know ledge or insight (into a subject) 渊博的

根 pro-:向前 found=fund:底。 “从底向上”→“深远的” , “渊博的”

类 深远的、渊博的范畴

qualification [ˌkwɑːlɪfɪ'keɪʃn]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. qualifying or becoming qualified 赋予资格

n. degree, diploma, certificate, etc awarded for this 合格证

n. statement that modifies or restricts a previous statement 限定

根 quali:属性 -fi=-fy:动词后缀 -ic:形容词后缀 -at(e):动词后缀 -ion:名词后缀。 “具有某种属性的” → “资格” , “合格证” , “限定” 。qualified:合格的[根]

类 赋予资格,限定、限制

rep lace [rɪ'pleɪs]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. put (sth) back in its place 放回

v. take the place of; provide a substitute for sb/sth 替换

根 re-:向回 plac:放置。 “放回去”→“替换” , “替代物” 。place:地方[根]

类 放回、取代、替换类概念

reserve [rɪ'zɜːrv]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. thing put aside or kept for later use; extra amount available when needed 储备

n. delay giving an opinion, eg until the matter has become clearer 保留

v. order or set aside (seats, accommodation, etc) for use by a particular person at a future time; book 预定

根 re-:表加强 serv:保留。 “ (物质)保留着的”→“储藏” 。 “ (内容)保留着的”→“预定” 。 “ (心态)保留着的”→“谨慎” 。observe:遵守[根]

类 保留、留下的物理或心理范畴

response [rɪ'spɑːns]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. answer 回答

n. act or feeling produced in answer to a stimulus; reaction 响应

根 re-:向回 spons:反应。 “反应回去”→“响应” , “回答” 。responsibility:责任[根]

类 答复、回应类概念

resume [rɪ'zuːm]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. to begin again something interrupted 重新开始

根 re-:再 sum=sumpt:拿 → 从事 → 开始。 “再一次开始”→“重新开始” 。consume:消费 [根]

类 再一次开始

scratch [skrætʃ]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n.v. mark, cut, injury or sound made by scratching; make a shallow wound in (the skin) in this way 抓(痕)

n. line from which competitors start in a race when they receive no handicap 起跑线

根 scratch:抓。 “抓”→“刮” , “抓痕”→“起跑线”

类 刮擦、刻画类概念

seemingly ['siːmɪŋli]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adv. appearing to have a particular quality, when this may or may not be true 表面上

adv. according to the facts as you know them 看上去

根 seem=sim:相似 -ing:形容词后缀 -ly:副词后缀。 “相似地”→“表面上” 。similar:相似的 [根]

类 表面上

shell [ʃel]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. hard outer covering of eggs, of animals such as oysters, snails, crabs and tortoises 贝壳

n. metal case filled with explosive, to be fired from a large gun 炮弹

根 shel:硬。 “硬”→“贝壳” , “炮弹”

类 有壳的,引申为炮弹、炮轰

signify ['sɪɡnɪfaɪ]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. to be a sign of; mean 表明

v. to have significance; matter 有重要性

根 sign:标记 -fy:动词后缀,“使…” 。 “使有标记”→“做标记”→“表明” 。 “做标记”→“有重要性” 。sign:标记[根]

类 标记为重要的

silicon ['sɪlɪkən]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. non-metallic chemical element found combined with oxygen in quartz, sandstone 硅

根 silic:坚硬石头 -on:名词后缀。 “坚硬石头”→“硅” 。Silicon Valley:硅谷[根]

类 硅

species ['spiːʃiːz]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. a specific kind of something 种类

根 spec:看 -ies:名词后缀。 “看”→“壮观”→“不同种类” , “种类”

类 种类的概念

striking ['straɪkɪŋ]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. attracting attention or notice through unusual or conspicuous qualities 引人注目的

根 strik:击 -ing:形容词后缀。 “击打”→“使受冲击”→“ (视觉)受冲击”→“引人注目的” 。strike:打[根]

类 引人注目的

substantial [səb'stænʃl]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. consisting of or relating to substance 物质的,实质的

adj. firmly constructed; sturdy 坚固的

根 sub-:下 st:站立 -ant:形容词后缀 -ial:形容词后缀。 “站立”→“挺立”→“坚固的” 。 “站立”→“存在的”→“物质的”→“实质的”→“有重大意义的” 。stand:站立[根]

类 实质的、坚固的

subtle ['sʌtl]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 adj. difficult to understand or perceive; obscure 微妙的

adj. clever at attaining one’s ends by indirect and often deceptive means 巧妙的

根 sub-:下 tle:网 → 编织。 “编织”→“巧妙地穿插”→“巧妙的”→“微妙的” 。 “巧妙地穿插”→“复杂”→“ (感情)复杂的”

类 微妙、巧妙的

suitcase ['suːtkeɪs]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes 手提箱

根 suit:跟随 → 适合 cas:盒子。 “合适的盒子”→“小提箱” 。suitable:适当的[根]

类 服装提箱类概念

symptom ['sɪmptəm]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. change in the body that indicates an illness 症状

n. sign of the existence of sth bad 征兆

根 sym-=syn-:共同 ptom:落下。 “一同落下”→“征兆” , “症状”

类 表现出和之前定义好的情况相同的现象

trigger ['trɪɡər]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. a piece (as a lever) connected with a catch or detent as a means of releasing it 扳机

v. to initiate, actuate, or set off by a trigger 引发,触发

根 trig:拉 -er:名词后缀、表示物;动词后缀。 “拉动”→“触发”→“引发” 。 “触发”→“扳机”

类 扳机、引发

warfare ['wɔːrfer]考频:★★★★★     记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. the waging of armed conflict against an enemy 冲突

n. an active struggle between competing entities 战争

根 war:战争 far:走 → 进行。 “战争”→“斗争” , “冲突” 。farewell:再见[根]

类 冲突类概念

warning ['wɔːrnɪŋ]考频:★★★★icon    记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. a message informing of danger 警告

根 warn:警告 -ing:名词后缀。 “警告” 。warn:警告[根]

类 警告类范畴

acknow ledge [ək'nɑːlɪdʒ]考频:★★★★icon    记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. to recognize the rights, authority, or status of 承认

v. to express gratitude or obligation for 致谢

根 由古语aknow (承认)和know lechen (承认)合并而成。 “承认”→“给予肯定”→“致谢”

类 给予肯定类概念

acquaint [ə'kweɪnt]考频:★★★★icon    记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. make sb/oneself fam iliar with or aware of sth 使熟悉

根 ac-:表加强 quaint=cogn:知道。 “知道”→“使熟悉” 。recognize:识别[根]

类 熟悉、了解、通知类概念

advertise ['ædvərtaɪz]考频:★★★★icon    记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. make (sth) generally or publicly known 公布

v. ask for sb/sth by placing a notice in a newspaper, etc 做广告

根 ad-:表方向 vers=vert:转 -ise:动词后缀。 “转遍”→“使皆知”→“公布” , “做广告” 。 universe:宇宙[根]

类 广而告之类概念

affirm [ə'fɜːrm]考频:★★★★icon    记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 v. to assert (as a judgment or decree) as valid or confirmed 断言,肯定

v. to state as a fact usually forcefully 证实

根 af-:加强 firm:结实[唯物]→坚定[唯心]。 “坚定”→“断言” , “证实” 。firmly:坚定的[根]

类 加强、强化类概念

alert [ə'lɜːrt]考频:★★★★icon    记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. (time of) special watchfulness before or during an attack 警戒

根 al-:表方向 ert:上。 “在上面”→“监哨”→“警戒”

类 警戒、警觉

amateur ['æmətər]考频:★★★★icon    记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. one who engages in a pursuit, study, science, or sport as a pastime rather than as a profession 业余爱好者

根 am:爱 -at(e):动词后缀 -eur=-or:表示人。 “业余爱好者” 。Amore:埃莫(即罗马神话中的丘比特)[根]

类 业余爱好者

assault [ə'sɔːlt]考频:★★★★icon    记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n.v. sudden violent attack 袭击

根 as-:表方向 sault:跳跃。 “跳击”→“袭击”

类 攻击、袭击类概念

audience ['ɔːdiəns]考频:★★★★icon    记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. group of people who have gathered together to hear or watch sb/sth 听众,观众

n. formal interview with a ruler or an important person 会见

根 aud:感觉 -ence:名词后缀。 “去感觉体验”→“听众” , “观众” , “会见”

类 倾听类概念

ballet ['bæleɪ]考频:★★★★icon    记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□

释 n. a theatrical representation of a story that is performed to music by trained dancers 芭蕾舞

n. story performed in this way 芭蕾舞剧

n. group of dancers who regularly perform ballet together 芭蕾舞团

根 ball:舞蹈 -et:名词后缀。 “舞蹈”→“芭蕾” (芭蕾为音译)

类 由舞池舞蹈演变而来